Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hi all,

It is Thursday night, and I am finishing up the final preparations for my journey. I have packed up all my clothes, books, and toiletries; now my dad and I are sitting downstairs preparing to pack my computer, two cameras, and a video camera. I have to be sure that I will be able to record my trip! I will be posting my photos to:

Bob and Kath Piro hosted a Bon Voyage party for me in Petaluma earlier this week. We had a wonderful dinner and then played Wii. The first album I have uploaded are pictures from that night. On Wednesday night, I had my own Bon Voyage party in Davis. It was wonderful! Thank you to all of my friends from Davis and Berkeley who came up and made my last night in Davis very special. I am going to miss you all! See you at the Whole Earth Festival!

Tomorrow, being my last full dad in the United States, is filled with goodbyes. Kyle is driving down to Marin tomorrow to so we can have lunch and say goodbye. Then Michael will drive up from Santa Cruz in the early afternoon to say goodbye to his big sister! A family dinner will follow, and then it will be time for me to go to bed. Dad is driving me to the airport at 4 a.m. on Saturday morning! My excitement for this trip nearly overpowers all my other emotions, but I know it will hard not to be homesick for the people I love.

This will be my last post until I arrive in the Bahamas, where I will quickly upload photos of the warm Carribean. (Jealous, South Dakota? I heard it was a balmy 4 degrees today!) I cant wait to begin the first leg of my global circumnavigation!


1 comment:

  1. Actually, it's up to 14 degrees today...have fun!

    - Uncle Jay
